
The Bull’s Eye


Vepsäläinen / Outi Lahtinen

Initial idea & Creative brief

Vepsäläinen / Jussi Lindholm


TBWA / Helsinki

Production company



Photographer: Olli Häkkinen
Producer: Sissi Leppänen
Set Designer: Piia Emilia
Chief Creative Officer: Jyrki Poutanen
Creative Director: Ville Ohtonen
Vice President: Juha-Matti Raunio
Senior Creative: Tuukka Tujula
Copywriter: Roni Regnér
Creative: Riina Uljala
Account Manager: Mira Sallanko

It’s easy when it just “clicks”. A fusion of minds and talents, this project seamlessly blended Olli Häkkinen’s photography, Tuukka Tujula’s creativity, and the strategic approach of TBWA.

Our collaboration resulted in an exclusive series for Vepsäläinen, spotlighting their products and their work for the Finnish Olympic team. Good advertising photography relies as much on great concept work as it does on visual realization. You can’t have a top result without one or the other, it’s just that simple. Together, we wove the client’s wishes into compelling ideas that resonate profoundly.

This venture is about more than images. With Vepsäläinen, we turned concepts into timeless artistry.